Collective Leisure’s inaugural WSYD Moving Symposium ignites movement in Western Sydney
Symposium attendees outside Blacktown Exercise Sports & Technology Hub.
In an important event that marked a pivotal step towards transforming Western Sydney's physical landscape, Collective Leisure convened the WSYD Moving Symposium on 16th November 2023.
Held at the state-of-the-art Blacktown Exercise Sports and Technology Hub (BEST), this Symposium was the first official event at the impressive $100 million facility, championing a cause crucial to the region - the reduction of physical inactivity and inequalities.
With 105 delegates attending from diverse sectors across the physical activity system, sectors represented included academia, education, public health, government, leisure, health, sport, recreation, peak bodies, not-for-profits, private enterprise, disability, and social enterprise.
This groundbreaking day was supported by 30 speakers representing different facets of the Western Sydney system.
It included a session centred around the Inner Development Goals, highlighting the transformative skills crucial for sustainable development. Addressing the root causes of inequity, it emphasized that change originates within oneself and influences our interactions within the system.
The symposium kicked off with a resonating 'setting the scene' presentation by the Centre for Western Sydney, highlighting the high need for this initiative in the area.
Two community voices presented from Parkrun and AFL Giants to ground delegates and provide on the ground stories about the importance of physical activity for the community.
The symposium encapsulated engaging discussions across four panels, each comprising four panelists and a host. These discussions delved into critical topics:
Early-age school physical education and physical literacy programs in Western Sydney
How do we empower individuals to increase physical activity in communities that are socially and economically more deprived in Western Sydney?
How can we build a ‘coalition of the willing’ and collaborate with a shared vision to reduce physical inactivity?
How can Local Government support our mission to enable more active lives in Western Sydney as a Collective?
Following Blacktown City Mayor Tony Bleasdale opening the Symposium, event convenor and MC David Burns commenced the day with a WSYD Moving vision presentation and brought it to a conclusion with the 'Bringing it all together’ an Open Forum and interactive session giving all participants the chance to contribute to the future directions and aims of WSYD Moving.
This symposium was a hallmark moment for WSYD Moving, a culmination of more than a year of cross-sectoral collaboration and advocacy to develop a comprehensive initiative aimed at fostering more active lives across Western Sydney.
WSYD Moving is an initiative by Collective Leisure who have been working on this project for 18 months arising from their passion for social justice and improving health and well-being. Collective Leisure is an organisation established in 2019, renowned for its impactful physical and well-being programs tailored for underserved communities.
In a testament to their commitment, Collective Leisure’s efforts were recently recognised by Parks and Leisure Australia, securing the prestigious Community-Based Initiative of the Year Award 2023 as a ‘business for good’ at the National Awards of Excellence in October.
However, central to the mission of Collective Leisure, driven by its founder David Burns, is the recognition that although it delivers inclusive programs supporting communities, the enterprise is part of the problem, only adding to the system while health inequity and inequalities are getting worse.
In a transformative move, Collective Leisure initiated WSYD Moving in June 2022, steadily establishing a Western Sydney network centered around a free bi-monthly Community of Practice open to all.
This platform acts as a mechanism to share best practices, exchange information, and connect the dots to work more collaboratively.
Collective Leisure's efforts in leading WSYD Moving are pro bono with investment needed to fully realise the projects potential. To support the enterprise convening the symposium crucial support was extended by pivotal partners from across the system as early adopters below.
Blacktown City Council
Western Sydney University
South Western Sydney Local Health District
Western Sydney Local Health District
Substance (UK)
Heart Foundation
Outdoors NSW/ACT
Sydney Sports Management Group
Wicked Lab
Regarding the symposium, Burns explained “it was a privilege to convene a significant portion of the Western Sydney system to discuss ideas, foster connections and build a ‘movement for movement’ in Western Sydney through a whole-of-system approach.
“Exciting times lie ahead.”
The next steps include the development of a White Paper by Collective Leisure, which will be peer-reviewed by Western Sydney University and the University of Technology Sydney.
The aim is to encapsulate the journey thus far, offering recommendations to progress WSYD Moving.
For more information go to or
As featured in the Australasian Leisure Management’s online magazine on 8 December 2023 here