Exploring perspectives.
Stay informed with our blogs, articles, and podcast series – “Part of the System” that delve into the role of sport, leisure, and physical activity in wider systems.
David on Spotlight
CEO David Burns was asked to speak on Spotlight - a radio program that throws the spotlight on important people and issues in Western Sydney.
The interview focused on the health crises and the alarming statistics of chronic disease of Australians such as obesity, mental health and heart disease etc.
Leveraging the golden decade to reduce physical inactivity
Brisbane was excitedly announced as the winning bid by the International Olympic Committee in July this year to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2032.
Leveraging the Golden decade to reduce physical inactivity
Health statistics that should shock Australians
It’s clear there are health inequalities in society which I have talked about previously, but one key statistic that still stands out for me is that one in two Australians have a lifestyle chronic disease.
Aquatic & Recreation Institute (NSW) Well-being Webinar
Collective Leisure engaged to deliver an online well-being webinar for its members supporting the aquatic and recreation industry.
The ARI is excited to formally announce the commencement of our online webinars! The first one is scheduled for Thursday 16 September 2021 at 11:30am - 12:30pm. Click here to register.
An Ironman journey to remember - ARI Article
David Burns, ARI Member, shares with us the Ironman Journey that shows how commitment and growth mindset helped him to believe and achieve when he was at breaking point.
BeU Adaptive Multi Sport Holiday Program
The inclusion program aims to improve participation in physical activity, for all abilities children in the school holidays. Given COVID and the recent lockdown, there are now more barriers to people being physically active. It is more important than ever for children to be active and connected.
Virtual Think Tank - Physical Activity and Sports for People with Disability NSW
Collective Leisure in collaboration with Sport Inclusion Australia facilitated a 90-minute virtual think tank - Physical Activity and Sports for People with Disability NSW.
ACPE to support Collective Leisure in new Sports Mentoring Program
Collective Leisure in collaboration with Auburn Youth Centre, is delivering a sports mentoring program specifically for young adults aged between 18-25 from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities. The project is designed to improve physical, mental and emotional well-being. It will also support participants’ growth and confidence by providing training and employment opportunities in the sport and leisure industry.
Collective Leisure nominated for Exceptional Community Partner at the Zest Awards 2021 Ceremony
The awards showcase the outstanding work of the Community Sector across the greater Western Sydney region led by Western Sydney Community Forum (WSCF).
NSW ATP Cup Tennis Legacy Fund serves up opportunity for Collective Leisure & Sydney Sports Management Group
“This project will benefit members of the local community, providing valuable mental health support through tennis.”
“The ATP Cup brought tennis’s superstars to Sydney. The Fund builds on that legacy through projects that support facility upgrades and encourages participation across NSW,” Mr. Lee said.
Founder’s perspective: David Burns talks to Health Club Magazine UK
What’s the purpose of Collective Leisure?
To enable ‘wellbeing without boundaries’. This means no matter who you are, where you’re from or what your background is, you should be able to access education, services and opportunities to enable your wellbeing and reach your potential.
Collective Leisure becomes Australia’s first social enterprise leisure management company and forms partnership with ACPE
Collective Leisure has become Australia’s first social enterprise leisure management company, having been officially certified by Social Traders.
Collective Leisure becomes the well-being partner of Australian College of Physical Education (ACPE)
In partnership, ACPE and Collective Leisure aim to educate and empower individuals and groups across their communities on ‘whole of person’ well-being and support them to realise their potential.
Collective Leisure looks to enable ‘well-being without boundaries’
Our purpose of enabling ‘well-being without boundaries’, means no matter who you are, where you’re from and what your background is, you have the right to be a well-being.